my way to slow down

I need to write some rules down. Maybe "rules" is not a great word... rather guidance. I need to have some guidance written down how to slow down in my life... How to be more alive than I am now. How to be more mindful.

1. Reconnect with my friend. Yes, I have only one friend, but still it is not easy to maintain a relationship in this world and in my life even with that one person.
2. Spend less time in front of my computer, watching TV shows. Instead - read, listen to music, spend time without a monitor.
3. Buy local food, raw ingredients, cook!
4. Have a walk, for christ sake, now and then. I see the world mostly from bus or a car. Use legs!
5. Don't fulfill the empty spots in my life with buying stuff. In most cases, I do not need these things, I am just covering empty spaces.
6. Continue therapy. Simply.
7. Allow people to upset me when they matter. Do not get upset at work. It's not worth it.
8. Have a hobby. Or hobbies. Keep them. Keep knitting, sewing, etc. Just do it.
9. Respect people. Do not assume that their intentions are bad and against me.
10. Do not assume that I need to either win or lose. Life is no war.

To remember

Never go to coffee house at 5. In the city center. If you want some peace and quiet. Period.
A day off. Hardly.

I had my therapy session today. I went there with war in my head. After the last session 2 weeks ago, I left mad, disappointed, I don't know what else. And I had serious doubts whether I should come back today. I remembered though the words my therapist said on the first visit that every time I would be thinking of leaving therapy or her, as a therapist, I should not do so just like that. Despite that feelings, I should come and talk them through. So despite the fact that all week I was contemplating leaving therapy, or if not therapy, her as a therapist, today I managed to come. For 6 pm. At 6:03 I was already all in tears. Shooting her with my emotions. And realizing that, despite all my doubts and thoughts against, I really need this. I really need to get better and to achieve what I want to achieve.

a journey

Over a year ago, when I was on a plane to Budapest, I read an article about slow fashion movement, so basically: let's sew, knit, buy what's made locally and fair. And then this wonderful weekend came. Full of walking, eating, relaxing, sun and us. And I felt under my skin that I really needed to slow down, make my life 'slow'. From start.

And then I tried. But life goes on unexpectedly. After this year I have much more experience, such as antidepressants, wish to quit a job every week, the change of situation at work, my own wedding, quitting meds, starting a therapy, struggling to get pregnant (unsuccessfully so far).

And somehow and somewhere deep, there is still a wish to slow down in me. To live according to this blog's title - life is a journey, not a sprint. And I want this blog to remind me about that.